Channel bandwidth

美 [ˈtʃænl ˈbændwɪdθ]英 [ˈtʃænl ˈbændwɪdθ]
  • 网络信道带宽;通道带宽;频道带宽
Channel bandwidthChannel bandwidth
  1. The needed channel bandwidth is also reduced accordingly .


  2. In video communication , to transfer a video sequence over limited channel bandwidth , effective video compression is essential .


  3. The Optimization of Channel Bandwidth Design for Synthetic Aperture Radar System


  4. Research of Upstream Channel Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm In HFC Network


  5. Local Ethernet is used widely so that the data transmission channel bandwidth is ensured .


  6. Limited by the memory and channel bandwidth , the digital image signal must be compressed .


  7. The information explosion has made the transmission rate and channel bandwidth become bottlenecks in the development of multimedia technology .


  8. Compared with wired network , wireless network has lower channel bandwidth , and cannot provide reliable and stable user service .


  9. The exchange between signal power and channel bandwidth is an important deduction of Shannon 's channel capacity theorem .


  10. The service channel bandwidth of the NVOD system which is exerted in the digital cable TV platform ;


  11. The key QoS parameter adopted in this algorithm is channel bandwidth which denotes the heterogeneity of the networks .


  12. However , in the transmission process especially in satellite applications , the encoder output rate must match with the limited channel bandwidth .


  13. Channel bandwidth sufficiency is introduced to evaluate the relationship between channel bandwidth and the encoding complexity of video sequence .


  14. Especially , in a highly loaded network , the portion of channel bandwidth is wasted due to significantly high collisions .


  15. Rate control or rate allocation is necessary to control the bitrate of image coding such that it meets the channel bandwidth requirement .


  16. The aim of rate control is to achieve a balance between compressed video quality and channel bandwidth to satisfy special requirements of specific application .


  17. And limited by the channel bandwidth , the transmitted video stream is usually in low bitrate and low spatial resolution .


  18. Huge amount of information put forward high demand to storage capacity and channel bandwidth . Bill image compression becomes a must for the bills management .


  19. With the analog-digital conversion technology is maturing , the digital storage oscilloscope channel bandwidth and sampling rate continues to increase .


  20. Large image information bring much compressive stress to capacity of memorizer , channel bandwidth of communications trunk and processing speed of the computer .


  21. As a three-dimensional image , the mass of data lead to the problems on transmission on the limited channel bandwidth and the storage on satellite .


  22. New model for frequency hopping wideband Rayleigh fading channels 1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth .


  23. Most existing studies focus on how to improve the underwater acoustic channel bandwidth utilization ratio and reduce the error rate , less concern for real time .


  24. So , the video data gain the optimal dynamic between power loss , channel bandwidth and the coding distortion under meeting the power and rate constraints .


  25. The space image data is in large quantities , and the channel bandwidth resources are limited , therefore the space image data compression algorithm has become hot recently .


  26. Error concealment is an important technology to improve the video quality on the decoder , without increasing the transmission channel bandwidth , or the amount of information .


  27. However , the limited wireless channel bandwidth and poor channel conditions restrict design of the source-channel coding system based on the current Shannon separation theorem .


  28. So for optical communication systems , evaluate the utilization of channel bandwidth means both digital and analogue signal can be transmitted in a common optical fiber .


  29. According to the analysis , a new reliable transmission mechanism is proposed , which outperforms the original scheme in term of effective usage of the channel bandwidth .


  30. Firstly , the channel bandwidth allocated to each user , instead of target bits allocated to each frame , is chose as control object .
